Navy General Board

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History Articles

Navy General Board was created to help share all aspects of naval history from throughout the ages. Here you will find our collection of history articles. It has come a long way and has something for everyone. Take your time and browse them all!

The many names of the Washington Treaty of 1922

The term ‘Washington Treaty’ frequently appears in specialist naval books and even general histories of the inter-war period. There is no mistaking the meaning: it refers to the treaty signed on 6 February 1922 between the United States, Britain, Japan, France and...

F4U Corsair vs P-51 Mustang

In the first of a new series of posts, we will begin to examine various carrier aircraft and see how they compare to other aircraft. And what better way to start the series off than to examine two of the most famous American fighter aircraft of the Second World War....

A brief overview of the Trafalgar class

A brief overview of the Royal Navy Trafalgar class SSN

The First Soviet Nuclear Submarines

With the USA leading the way in submarines the Soviet Union had to catch up

Rudders: Warship Tech

Rudders. Just about every warship has them, but rudders vary considerably from one design to the next. Extraordinarily little thought is given to these devices that are hidden away from view underwater. However,  rudders are a critical component of warship...

Life Aboard a US Navy Battleship During the Korean War

The Iowa class battleships were the last battleships put to sea by the United States. They had a remarkably long career, serving from World War II until the Gulf War. There are a ton of articles describing the weaponry, capabilities, or service history of these...

Edwin Moore : A Texas Pirate

Edwin Ward Moore was a great many things in life. An officer in the United States Navy, A commodore in the Republic of Texas Navy , and was even labeled a Texas pirate by Sam Houston himself. He was the only commander to ever lead wind driven wooden sailing ships in...

High quality pictures of British battlecruisers

A range of pictures of British battlecruisers in New Zealand waters during the inter-war period have been doing the rounds on social media. Most were taken by professional or semi-pro photographers using high-end equipment of the day. However, the identity of the...

Best Battleship: What battleship had the best guns

The battleship was built around its guns. After our last article looking at the anti-aircraft firepower of various battleships from World War II and onward, we decided to continue our journey to discover the best battleship. In this article, we will examine how each...

The origins of the American battlecruiser, part 4: British infusion

Designs for the first American battlecruisers, the Lexington class, were developed across several major incarnations during and soon after the First World War. We traced the origins of the American battlecruiser – first as concept, then as designs flowing from the...

A look at life ARA General Belgrano

From USS Phoenix to ARA General Belgrano and her part in two wars and one coup d’etat

AAA Umbrella vs Rain of Bombs – Naval Anti-Aircraft vs Aircraft in World War II

AAA Umbrella vs Rain of Bombs Naval Anti-Aircraft vs Aircraft in World War II “Nothing can stop the attack of aircraft except other aircraft” – William “Billy” Mitchel Before World War II, air power enthusiasts believed air power would sweep the seas clear of ships...

The slow death of the Lion class – Britain’s never-built battleships

As war clouds loomed over Europe in the late 1930s, Britain’s last generation of battleships were well in hand. By 1938 the five King George V class were under construction and the first two examples of their successors, the Lions, were due to be laid down in 1939.[1]...

The loss of Prince of Wales and Repulse Part 1: prelude to disaster

The loss of Prince of Wales and Repulse to Japanese air attack off the Malayan (Malaysian) coast, on 10 December 1941,[1] was a human tragedy, although the precise death toll has been variously given. The official figure is 840: however numbers given in various...

Was ‘cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey’ a naval phrase?

The unprecedented cold that swept parts of the United States in early 2019 could be called 'brass monkey weather', though with the temperatures reported, that might be an understatement. According to legend, the term - in full, 'cold enough to freeze the balls off a...

News and Current Events

A relatively new addition to the Navy General Board website. While we remain focused on sharing history, we also want to examine naval current events that are occuring across the world. This section is still new, but more articles are coming. 

China’s Newest Warship : The Type 55 Destroyer

At a time when the United States Navy is struggling to determine the future of its Navy, China has been quietly building up its naval forces. The People’s Liberation Army Navy has risen to be the second largest navy in the world by tonnage. It’s not just quantity that...

Canada’s Next Generation Submarine

My own opinion and hypothesis on what class of submarine could become Canada’s next generation submarine

The Navy’s FFG(X) Program : Foreign and Domestic Options

The Navy has all but admitted that the Littoral Combat Ships are a flop. Therefore, they have started looking at potential ships to fulfill requirements for a new frigate design known as the FFG(X) Program. Make makes things interesting is that this time the US Navy...

Why China’s Island Bases are Not a Big Deal

Over the past few years, the media has made a big deal of the artificial island bases that China has built in the South China Sea. Several of these islands are well fortified, featuring harbors, airstrips, and formidable land-based weaponry. Some in the media have...

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