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Japanese Attack on the United States Coast

Japanese Attack on the United States Coast

Over the course of the Second World War, the continent of North America was largely spared the destruction seen elsewhere. Just as a moat protects a castle, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans protected the United States. American industry was able to support the war...
Coal Torpedo : Secret Weapon of the Confederacy

Coal Torpedo : Secret Weapon of the Confederacy

Throughout the entirety of the American Civil War, the Confederate Navy was hopelessly outmatched by the Union Navy. Union warships enacted a blockade of the Confederate coast that placed a stranglehold on Confederate trade. Though they attempted to counter the might...
Top 10 Biggest Battleships of All Time

Top 10 Biggest Battleships of All Time

Battleships were the largest warships that utilized gun based weaponry as their main armament. Hundreds of feet in length and displacing tens of thousands of tons, their size allowed them to carry the largest guns and the thickest armor. While battleships are massive...
The Armoured Conning Tower on Battleships

The Armoured Conning Tower on Battleships

Even the mightiest warship, with its intimidating guns and thick armor, would be severely handicapped without a conning tower. The conning tower served as the control center for a warship, allowing officers to observe everything around the ship and direct it. What Is...
The Inverted Bow and Warships

The Inverted Bow and Warships

The traditional raked bow as seen on the Soviet nuclear powered cruiser Frunze. This type of bow has been typical on most warships of the 20th century. When one thinks of the bow on a warship, they typically think of the traditional raked bow that overhangs the water....