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Navy General Board

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History Articles

Navy General Board was created to help share all aspects of naval history from throughout the ages. Here you will find our collection of history articles. It has come a long way and has something for everyone. Take your time and browse them all!

What the Second London Naval Treaty ‘escalator clause’ Really Meant

One of the common misconceptions in naval history is the idea that the so-called 'escalator clause' of the Second London Naval Treaty - which allowed main gun calibre to automatically revert to 16-inch if any signatory failed to ratify the treaty - also enabled agreed...

The Flower Class Corvette

The Flower class corvette cheap to build and Nasty to the U boats

Life Aboard a US Navy Battleship During the Korean War

The Iowa class battleships were the last battleships put to sea by the United States. They had a remarkably long career, serving from World War II until the Gulf War. There are a ton of articles describing the weaponry, capabilities, or service history of these...

Best Battleship : Anti-Aircraft Guns

I'm working on a comprehensive ranking system to establish a hierarchy in the effectiveness of each class of battleship, basically finding what was the best battleship. This post will kick off the series by looking at the anti-aircraft guns of each battleship to...

Skegs? What do they do? – Warship Tech

Skegs are an unusual feature of warship construction. Some warships had them, others did not. Some warships buried only a few of their shafts inside of skegs, others buried all of them. This seemingly random use of skegs has made them the subject of considerable...

Warship Stabilization Systems : Warship Tech

For the most part, the sea is anything but smooth. Warships operating on it are rocked back and forth almost constantly. This rocking motion interferes with a ship's performance. Guns and optics are thrown off target, reducing their effectiveness. In addition, the...

Warship Terminology: Naval Gunnery Dispersion for Dummies

I wanted to talk about a term that is often tossed around when talking about naval gunnery but is not completely understood. Since It had also been a while since we had a technical article, I think the time has come to discuss the topic of naval gunnery dispersion....

Four Great Features of the Richelieu Class Battleships

Battleships are amazing pieces of engineering. Technological masterpieces that were unique to the Navy that developed them. As Navies honed their designs and introduced newer classes, they incorporated several design features that often set them apart from their...

The Fastest Warships of World War 2

Do you have the need for speed? The warships in this article certainly do! We have previously done articles about the largest cruisers and the biggest battleships. For this article we are breaking the fastest warships of World War 2 based on class. We will examine the...

USS Texas The last Dreadnought

Part one explores the history of the USS Texas

Top 10 Biggest Battleships of All Time

Battleships were the largest warships that utilized gun based weaponry as their main armament. Hundreds of feet in length and displacing tens of thousands of tons, their size allowed them to carry the largest guns and the thickest armor. While battleships are massive...

The Last of her kind

Find out about one of the least known submarines of the Soviet navy

The origins of the American battlecruiser, part 4: British infusion

Designs for the first American battlecruisers, the Lexington class, were developed across several major incarnations during and soon after the First World War. We traced the origins of the American battlecruiser – first as concept, then as designs flowing from the...

Russia’s Massive Typhoon

Read about the history of the largest submarines ever to put to sea

A U-boat attack in strange waters

By January 1945 the Second World War had long turned in favour of the Allies. Germany was on the retreat across Europe, and Japan had been pushed back to a shrinking perimeter around the Home Islands. The idea of a U-boat turning up off the New Zealand coast that...

News and Current Events

A relatively new addition to the Navy General Board website. While we remain focused on sharing history, we also want to examine naval current events that are occuring across the world. This section is still new, but more articles are coming. 

Why China’s Island Bases are Not a Big Deal

Over the past few years, the media has made a big deal of the artificial island bases that China has built in the South China Sea. Several of these islands are well fortified, featuring harbors, airstrips, and formidable land-based weaponry. Some in the media have...

Canada’s Next Generation Submarine

My own opinion and hypothesis on what class of submarine could become Canada’s next generation submarine

China’s Newest Warship : The Type 55 Destroyer

At a time when the United States Navy is struggling to determine the future of its Navy, China has been quietly building up its naval forces. The People’s Liberation Army Navy has risen to be the second largest navy in the world by tonnage. It’s not just quantity that...

The Navy’s FFG(X) Program : Foreign and Domestic Options

The Navy has all but admitted that the Littoral Combat Ships are a flop. Therefore, they have started looking at potential ships to fulfill requirements for a new frigate design known as the FFG(X) Program. Make makes things interesting is that this time the US Navy...

Want to go a little bit further than simply reading an aritcle? Interesting in writing your own and sharing it with Navy General Board? Check out our about us page for information on becoming a guest writer for the Navy General Board website! We are looking for both historical pieces and current events happening with navies across the World. 

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