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History Articles

Navy General Board was created to help share all aspects of naval history from throughout the ages. Here you will find our collection of history articles. It has come a long way and has something for everyone. Take your time and browse them all!

Top 10 Biggest Battleships of All Time

Battleships were the largest warships that utilized gun based weaponry as their main armament. Hundreds of feet in length and displacing tens of thousands of tons, their size allowed them to carry the largest guns and the thickest armor. While battleships are massive...

The hero of the Hood Battalion

When the First World War broke out in August 1914, the British Admiralty had plans to field ground forces, largely to seize coastal areas, if required, for naval bases. Historically there was nothing unusual about sailors fighting ashore. What was unusual was the...

The USS Midway and her Greatest Carrier Landing

By the end of April 1975, North Vietnamese forces were closing in on Saigon. It was apparent that South Vietnam was going to fall. The US was already evacuating people from major airports. However, the NVA was on the outskirts of Saigon and several airports were...

The origins of the American battlecruiser – 1902-1910

The United States Navy’s only planned battlecruisers, six Lexington class ships authorised by the Naval Act 1916,[1] were cancelled by the Five Power (‘Washington’) Treaty of 1922.[2] Two – Lexington and Saratoga - were completed as aircraft carriers instead.[3] The...

K Class vs. U.D.1

If you were to be asked what was large, metallic, mechanical and steam powered I would imagine your most likely answer would be that of a steam engine or train. But bizarrely in the late 18th century the "Old Man of Europe" the Ottoman Empire commissioned the British...

Did Admiral Sir John Fisher try to launch a battlecruiser revolution?

by Matthew Wright There is no question that Admiral Sir John Fisher, Britain's First Sea Lord from 1904 to 1910 and the effective head of the Admiralty, was instrumental in driving a sea-change in the nature of heavy warships. What has puzzled historians, though, is...

Admiral Sir John Jellicoe and the Battle of Jutland

It is easy to declare that the Battle of Jutland – to the Germans, the battle of the Skagerrak[1] - fought over a hectic afternoon and night on 31 May-1 June 1916, was a tactical German victory and a strategic British one.  The idea has become a trope in historical...

Project 611 Zulu Class Submarines

With the conclusion of the Great patriotic war (World War Two), the allies set about rounding up all the advanced technologies the Germans had developed.   What the allies acquired in terms of Naval technology was leaps and bounds ahead of anything the allies had...

Russia’s Massive Typhoon

Read about the history of the largest submarines ever to put to sea

The King George V class – better battleships than history usually allows

Britain’s King George V's, the only new battleship class they completed for the Second World War, were criticised for shortcomings while being developed, and have often been since portrayed as the least of that war’s new-generation battleships. Winston Churchill,...

Triple Turrets vs. Three-Gun Turrets : Quick Read

Perhaps one of the most common simplifications when discussing warships occurs when discussing their turret styles. For instance, a battleship might be described as having twin turrets, triple turrets, or even quadruple turrets. This of course refers to the number of...

High resolution photos of HMS Hood in Wellington, 1924

In November 1923 a British squadron led by HMS Hood embarked on a world tour that took in key elements of Britain’s far-flung Empire and a range of Britain’s main trading partners. It was in many respects a repeat of the 1913 world tour by HMS New Zealand,[1]...

Warship Stabilization Systems : Warship Tech

For the most part, the sea is anything but smooth. Warships operating on it are rocked back and forth almost constantly. This rocking motion interferes with a ship's performance. Guns and optics are thrown off target, reducing their effectiveness. In addition, the...

A look at life ARA General Belgrano

From USS Phoenix to ARA General Belgrano and her part in two wars and one coup d’etat

Is the Battleship Texas Sinking?

  The battleship USS Texas (BB-35) has been around for over one hundred years. The mighty warship is one of the oldest military vehicles of her type still inexistence. She is old enough that she was laid down one month before the famous RMS Titanic launched....

News and Current Events

A relatively new addition to the Navy General Board website. While we remain focused on sharing history, we also want to examine naval current events that are occuring across the world. This section is still new, but more articles are coming. 

Why China’s Island Bases are Not a Big Deal

Over the past few years, the media has made a big deal of the artificial island bases that China has built in the South China Sea. Several of these islands are well fortified, featuring harbors, airstrips, and formidable land-based weaponry. Some in the media have...

The Navy’s FFG(X) Program : Foreign and Domestic Options

The Navy has all but admitted that the Littoral Combat Ships are a flop. Therefore, they have started looking at potential ships to fulfill requirements for a new frigate design known as the FFG(X) Program. Make makes things interesting is that this time the US Navy...

Canada’s Next Generation Submarine

My own opinion and hypothesis on what class of submarine could become Canada’s next generation submarine

China’s Newest Warship : The Type 55 Destroyer

At a time when the United States Navy is struggling to determine the future of its Navy, China has been quietly building up its naval forces. The People’s Liberation Army Navy has risen to be the second largest navy in the world by tonnage. It’s not just quantity that...

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