by Guest Writer | May 16, 2024 | History Article
An article by Author Chuck Veit The torpedo launched perfectly, and ran “hot, straight, and normal” towards its target, its solidfuel pushing it along at over 130 mph. It took but a second and a half to cover the hundredyards—well within the six hundred yard range...
by ChrisKnupp | Feb 16, 2023 | History Article
I wanted to talk about a term that is often tossed around when talking about naval gunnery but is not completely understood. Since It had also been a while since we had a technical article, I think the time has come to discuss the topic of naval gunnery dispersion....
by ChrisKnupp | Sep 28, 2019 | History Article
From the very onset of the Civil War, the Confederacy knew they were overmatched by the industrial might of the Union. The Union Navy operated with near impunity along the shores of Confederate territory. Seeking a way to challenge this mighty foe, the Confederacy...
by ChrisKnupp | Sep 15, 2019 | History Article
Nothing shook warship designers so much as the arrival of the torpedo. Striking the ship below the water line, torpedoes could deliver an incredible amount of explosive power to a part of the warship that is not easily protected. Designers would learn that there was...
by Matthew Wright | Jul 13, 2019 | History Article
The mastless steel battleship essentially emerged from the engineering chaos of mid-nineteenth century technological change and evolved – fairly steadily, but with occasional jumps – through to the end of the classic battleship era after the Second World War. One...
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