NOTE: This is an opinion piece created for discussion purposes and does not reflect the views or opinions of the Canadian government or the Royal Canadian Navy. A Brief History The Royal Canadian Navy is one of the youngest naval forces in the western world. It was...
Logistics is the key to victory in war, if you can cut your enemy supply lines and maintain your own you can effectively reduce or eliminate the enemies ability to continue hostilities.Since before biblical times waring peoples, tribes and nations have laid siege to...
USS Texas is a museum ship and relies on donations to donate to USS Texas please visit their website: This Articles content is bought to you in large part by Gabe Shuffield id like to thank him and the foundation for allowing me onboard USS...
Like many of the world’s navies the auxiliaries play a key role for any naval force large or small, enabling them to remain on station anywhere in the world. Every major navy has an auxiliary force of some kind operating in conjunction with their navies, ship...
Commerce raiding has been employed for many centuries by various nations in the hope of denying the enemy vital supplies. During World War one and two the German U boats became arguably the most famous commerce raiders of all time, their tenacity and vigor twice...
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